Amos 5:21-24, Hosea 6:6, Malachi 1:6-14, Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 15:8-9
All these passages and more from the Bible tells us how God isn't pleased when we offer sacrifices to Him and our hearts are far from Him. We say we are of God but we compromise with the world, we know His teachings and His ways but we are more focused on our works than our relationship with Him. This isn't a message for either the writer and the reader to look at areas they are good and ignore other areas, but to check ourselves and ask, 'Do I really honor God with my lips while my heart is far from Him?'
Our lips says one thing but our hearts says another. God is telling us it is enough. Enough 'trying' to look it when you are not, enough 'trying' to seem 'righteous', enough with been a 'Pharisee', enough with offering 'sacrifices', knowing Scriptures and teaching others about the Scripture but not living by it. It is time to rebuild our relationship with God and stop pleasing Him with words from our lips. Enough with been the hearer alone and not the doer of the Word. Enough with all the show and pretense, enough with living on your past relationship with God. Your past relationship with God cannot get you anywhere with God except apprasials from men; just like an expired visa won't get you into a country. Your current status will determine if you can move into a country or not, it’s all about the current status, that's what really matters.
The Scripture says blessed are they who do not only hear or listen to the Word but also Do ,meaning putting them into practice or action. (James 1: 22); this means there are people that are just listeners of the Word. It is time to start putting the Word of God we listen to into practice, it is time to start studying the Word to want to know God more and not to show to 'men' we know Scriptures. It is time to learn at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ and put His Word into practice. Enough with all the show, we've deceived people enough.
We may be able to decieve man and everyone around us but we definitely cannot deceive God; and you know who we can't decieve? The devil. As the Lord sees what's been done in secret so also the devil and his demons sees those who really live by the Word of God. How do I know this? Ask the seven sons of Sceva (Acts 19: 14-16). They know those who are walking in The Truth, they also see what you do in closet. If not the demon won't have been able to recognize 'Paul' and not recognize them, the sons of Sceva wanted to do what Paul did but failed.
If you don't runaway from God in the closet, He won't disappoint you in the open. It is high time we stopped hiding under the cover of religious activities and start replacing it with our relationship with God. Take time to ask yourself this question and sincerely give yourself an answer, 'Why do I really study the Word? Is it to make people see I'm familiar with Scriptures or because I really want to know God and understand His ways?'
Our God prefers a heart who yearns after Him more than sacrifices, He wants us to know Him, He wants our lives to be an endless river of righteous living and not see knowing him or walking in His ways, as a 'pain'. He wants us to honor Him both with our hearts and lips and to stop with the pretense or with the 'sacrifices.'
The Bible says, blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6). Fulfilment does not come from works or sacrifices, it comes only from a genuine hunger and thirst for righteousness.
We need not to only study the Word, but believe the Word and Do the Word.
Are you pretending over your passion for God or do you genuinely love Him?
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