Thursday, August 11, 2016


Amos 5:21-24, Hosea 6:6, Malachi 1:6-14, Isaiah 29:13, Matthew 15:8-9

All these passages and more from the Bible tells us how God isn't pleased when we offer sacrifices to Him and our hearts are far from Him. We say we are of God but we compromise with the world, we know His teachings and His ways but we are more focused on our works than our relationship with Him. This isn't a message for either the writer and the reader to look at areas they are good and ignore other areas, but to check ourselves and ask, 'Do I really honor God with my lips while my heart is far from Him?'

Our lips says one thing but our hearts says another. God is telling us it is enough. Enough 'trying' to look it when you are not, enough 'trying' to seem 'righteous', enough with been a 'Pharisee', enough with offering 'sacrifices', knowing Scriptures and teaching others about the Scripture but not living by it. It is time to rebuild our relationship with God and stop pleasing Him with words from our lips. Enough with been the hearer alone and not the doer of the Word. Enough with all the show and pretense, enough with living on your past relationship with God. Your past relationship with God cannot get you anywhere with God except apprasials from men; just like an expired visa won't get you into a country. Your current status will determine if you can move into a country or not, it’s all about the current status, that's what really matters.

The Scripture says blessed are they who do not only hear or listen to the Word but also Do ,meaning putting them into practice or action. (James 1: 22); this means there are people that are just listeners of the Word. It is time to start putting the Word of God we listen to into practice, it is time to start studying the Word to want to know God more and not to show to 'men' we know Scriptures. It is time to learn at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ and put His Word into practice. Enough with all the show, we've deceived people enough.

We may be able to decieve man and everyone around us but we definitely cannot deceive God; and you know who we can't decieve?  The devil. As the Lord sees what's been done in secret so also the devil and his demons sees those who really live by the Word of God. How do I know this? Ask the seven sons of Sceva (Acts 19: 14-16). They know those who are walking in The Truth, they also see what you do in closet. If not the demon won't have been able to recognize 'Paul' and not recognize them, the sons of Sceva wanted to do what Paul did but failed.

If you don't runaway from God in the closet, He won't disappoint you in the open. It is high time we stopped hiding under the cover of religious activities and start replacing it with our relationship with God. Take time to ask yourself this question and sincerely give yourself an answer, 'Why do I really study the Word? Is it to make people see I'm familiar with Scriptures or because I really want to know God and understand His ways?'

Our God prefers a heart who yearns after Him more than sacrifices, He wants us to know Him, He wants our lives to be an endless river of righteous living and not see knowing him or walking in His ways, as a 'pain'. He wants us to honor Him both with our hearts and lips and to stop with the pretense or with the 'sacrifices.'
The Bible says, blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled. (Matthew 5:6). Fulfilment does not come from works or sacrifices, it comes only from a genuine hunger and thirst for righteousness.

We need not to only study the Word, but believe the Word and Do the Word.

Are you pretending over your passion for God or do you genuinely love Him?

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


[NIV] Hebrews 13:15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praisethe fruit of lips that openly profess his name.

The word through means passing from one side of an opening to the other. To go to the other side you have to walk pass the first opening. No wonder our Lord said, '[NIV] John 14:6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

The Bible has made us understand that Jesus is the only way to God. In time past, there were different ways that God used to reveal Himself to humanity. He spoke through dreams, or through supernatural happenings, but now God communicates with us through His son Jesus Christ. Everyone that seeks the Father finds Him through the Son.

To get to God you have to go through Jesus Christ, you cannot skip protocol. One cannot say they know God and they don't know Jesus Christ, you cannot claim to have a relationship with God and exclude Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the way, He is the door, He is the entrance, the path, the key, He is like a portal to another dimension. You need the key to open the door.
Jesus is the only way through which men can be saved. Everything that God has can be inherited only through the Son. There is no way you can deeply understand the character and nature of God except it is revealed through the Son.

Through the Son we understand God's love for us, His faithfulness, His goodness, patience, kindness etc. We see that the glory of the Father is shown in this world through the Son; through the Son, we know how righteous and holy the Father is. Now we see why Jesus Christ said, [NLT] John 14:13 You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.
Jesus Christ holds everything in His hands. He and His Father are one. That is why you cannot claim to know one and not know the other. Everything you do must come through Jesus Christ: prayers, Thanksgivings, requests, petitions etc. To be united with God or to have a glimpse of who He is you must first come to Jesus, you have to pass through Jesus Christ and when you pass through Christ you meet the Father because the Father and the Son is one and you become one with them.

[NLT] John 14:6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.

A way is a direction, a road, a path from one place to another. And Jesus said He is the way. Have you asked yourself, the way to what? He is the way to the Father. He is the path to follow, He is the direction. Since Jesus said He is the way, it means anyone who think they have gotten to the Father leaving Jesus out of it is on the wrong path. Anyone who is pledging an allegiance to God without Jesus is on the wrong path. Jesus Christ is the way to many things, because the Father can do many things. Whatever it is you seek: job opportunity, school admission, marriage, fruit of the womb, peace of mind, genuine happiness, love, a stable home, whatever it is you are struggling with that you think there is no way out, I have a news flash for you, there is a way. You don't need to struggle alone. Jesus Christ is the way. Just take the road, take the path, take the Way and He will lead you to the right part!
Jesus Christ went further to say He is the truth. Truth reveals what is real, a deeper sense of something, Spiritual or genuine reality.  

When you come to Jesus Christ with a genuine heart, the veil that once covered your mind stopping you from believing in Christ will be removed. The sense of who you are will be revealed to you, you see how dirty you have been, you see how unworthy you have been. A deeper sense of Christ grace and salvation will be revealed to you, His light will shine in your heart and all you can see is your nakedness. Jesus Christ is the truth to everything, whatever it is that you want, whatever it is that confuses you; He is the Truth. Anything outside Christ is a lie, anything preached outside Christ is a lie, anything done outside Christ is a lie.

Any Christian living a life that is outside Christ is a pretender because He is the Truth and the Bible says, the Truth shall set you free. When you know the Truth about Christ, you'll know you are no longer under the bondage of sin, you won't be easily tossed by false doctrines, you won't be deceived by the devil. You want to find out more about Christ, you want to become firm in the word? Hold on to the Truth, study His Word.

Finally Jesus Christ said He is the Life. Life means having Life, that's it. Anything that doesn't have Life is dead and if Jesus Christ says He is the Life, this means anybody that is not living in Christ is dead. This also means that anybody that has not come to Christ is dead, and by dead I mean the person is living in sin or dwelling in sin which can lead to spiritual death. The Bible makes us to know that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). When a person encounters Jesus, He become a new a new person thus the new Life of Christ. He makes everything a fresh both physically and spiritually, there is a newsense of peace, joy, happiness, love of Christ in your heart and the more you let Him, the more He transforms you. That is why Apostle Paul said in

[NLT] 2 Corinthians 5:17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun! 

Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. You cannot go to the Father except you go through Him. Why don't you give Him a chance and unlock a door to many opportunities.